Laboratory facilities to simulate bleaching and fibre functionalisation processes at different scales
Simulation of any bleaching stages (Z, O, D, C, H, P, FAS, PAA, enzymatic treatment ) and sequences on any pulps in industrial conditions
- Low, medium and high consistency ozone treatments
- Oxygen reactors (3.5 to 5 l)
Pilot (Unique tool in Europe for all types of bleaching processes research)
- Pressurized reactor (capacity 1,7 m³ (100 to 150 kg), 6 bars, temperature up to 120 °C,
stirring 30 to 130 rpm) - Upflow and downflow towers (capacity 0.3 m³ to 1.8 m³)
- Fluffer for preparing pulp at high consistency
- Twin wire press ( out put at 20 to 35%, production 100 to 1000 kg/h)